Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Countdown to Halloween 2023 MONSTER TIMES "'Tales from the Crypt' Movie Review"

Before the recent trio of Tales from the Crypt movies (not based on the comics stories)...

...there was a feature-length "portmanteau" film which adapted five EC Comics tales, two from Tales from the Crypt, one from Vault of Horror, and two from Haunt of Fear!
(Control-click on the following pages to enlarge!)
Horror anthology movies were extremely popular in the early to mid-1970s.
Amicus Studios, which did Tales also did Vault of Horror, adapting several more EC stories!

On an EC Comics-related note, comic book/sci-fi/fantasy cons are commonplace now, occurring somewhere in the US every weekend.
But back in the early 1970s, they were pretty rare.
Even big cities had only two or three per year!
So when one dedicated specifically to EC Comics was scheduled in 1972...it was AN EVENT!

There has, literally, never been another comic convention like it to this day!
BE HERE ON HALLOWEEN...when we conclude our presentation with the first appearance (from 1972) of an EC Comic cover which was censored before publication!
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