Monday, October 22, 2018


The real monsters in this tale are both brothers and artists!
But, what is greater?
Their talent or their depravity?
Interesting note: here's the cover for this issue...
...featuring a blurb about the story, but otherwise totally-unrelated!
Now, here's the cover from last issue...
...which looks like it goes with this issue's story, and not the one it covered (as seen HERE!)
My theory is that Briefer conceived covers first, then wrote the story around them.
In this case, this story was revised so much, that it didn't make the deadline for the previous issue, so an already-prepped tale was published.
But, there was no time to do a new cover, so the cover with the Monster coming out of the painting was utilized!
Ironically, the yellow cover used for #30 would have been suitable for #29 with a different caption...but it wasn't finished at that point!
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